Preventive and not reactive diagnostics

The health system could be preventive and not reactive. 

Currently, GPs don't refer you to diagnostics tests assuming you don't want to pay for them.  Maybe they need to get into the habit of asking you.

I think peace of mind is cheaper than being scared about something that only exists in my mind.

If there is a chance of subsidising them, that would be good, but 

Why the contribution is important

Facilitating more diagnostic tests for patients to identify diseases quicker, would prevent deaths or long treatment when it is too late and deal with patients when these can still be treated.

by mercedeswalkham on December 20, 2022 at 10:49AM

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  • Posted by Ameel22 April 08, 2023 at 07:35

    Patients should have an individualised health care plan based on their medical history/family history/risk factors. The approach now is ambulance at the bottom of the cliff and requires patients advocate for their own medical needs (which they likely don’t fully understand). It’s a reactive healthcare system and not a preventative one.
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