Make the cervical cancer screening program free

Presently people having a cervical screen have to pay. Cervical cancer screening needs to be no cost to the person being screened. 

Present costs include getting to the health provider and  paying for your screen

If abnormal then traveling to the nearest colposcopy service often hours away for a biopsy

Then traveling again to get your treatment 

Now you need to get your follow up, back to your screening provider and pay some more money and again in 6 months.

This should all be easier, closer to home and with no charge.

We are paying to stop getting cancer and as a result saving Te Whatu Ora the cost of managing our cancer they should respect us by not charging us.

Why the contribution is important

Improving access to screening by removing  cost will facilitate more people accessing a screen and thus eliminating cervical cancer consistent with the WHO plan.


by drhelenpaterson on March 22, 2023 at 08:07PM

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