Holistic health view

Build a relationship between GPs and patients to be able to address health holistically. 

Why the contribution is important

GPs are only focused on the one health issue the patient presents at the time. They don't review notes and look for trends and patterns. They don't consider the wider picture.

For instance, i received a recall notice for a blood test. It only tested for heart disease. On my file there should be notes about fatigue, previous iron level tests, B12 injections, heavy bleeding, and with my age - likely perimenopause. Why not check iron and hormone levels and thyroid function (also another thing on file is 20 years of swollen neck glands).

Ask more questions. Dive deeper. Refer back. Follow up. Invest more time in your patients. Actually get to know them.

I see my chiropractor monthly. She knows WAY more about me personally, physically, and mentally than any doctor i have ever had. Beyond chiropractic care she supports my mental health because she is a regular, consistent check in and she gets it. The best money spent ever.

Relationships, consistency and regularity matter.

by Cindy on March 17, 2023 at 08:23AM

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  • Posted by johnx March 17, 2023 at 16:25

    More training
  • Posted by Smallacorn March 18, 2023 at 11:49

    I believe what is getting in the way of the relationship building between a gp and patient is in part the appointment times, fifteen minutes is not enough to build a holistic picture of someone’s health and address their concerns. Even getting that fifteen minute appointment is often so difficult that people will put off seeking care as it takes too long to be seen, and knowing you will only get one small step taken towards one issue is incredibly frustrating. As the person above said, i am in the same situation where my physio has a better understanding of me and my health than a gp does. Because there are longer appointment times and they are accessible.
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