Doctors that listen provide manaakitanga to patients

Doctors need to listen, check their judgements, and focus on how they can enable pae ora for patients.


Why the contribution is important

Right now the focus is on additional appointments, more fees for patients, and more time wasted before care / investigation that would lead to resolution. Patients may have multiple issues that would like to present, but doctors in their profit model are requiring patients to share issues in a separate appointment that means that their care is being deferred.

by Jmodica on February 24, 2023 at 11:52AM

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  • Posted by Bluerain March 10, 2023 at 07:11

    Yes. I agree.If the person is not treated in a holistic fashion then the treatment will be 'bitsy'. Dividing up the patient into bureaucratic bits may result in miscommunication between the patient and the health professionals, and between the health professionals themselves. When I was in hospital recently, lots of people came by to talk to me about my health, but I could never figure out which one was actually going to be involved in my treatment. LOL, and in the end I got two registrars, doing my surgery whom I did not see for my after care. So, each new person also had to read my notes and start from scratch each time they saw me.

    Continuity and coordination of care are so important.
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