Staffing our Healthcare Facilities

As a Registered Nurse I see and feel the impact of inadequate staffing. I graduated 30yrs ago. Even then there were concerns in the media about being short-staffed. This has not been addressed and has only got worse.

I would like to see the government fund student training as a Nurse, consider paying at training wage, and then bond those students for 3yrs within the Public health system.

Nursing students would benefit from working within the Healthcare system as Healthcare Assistants when they are not on placement. It would help them to intergrate as they progress through their studies and graduate.

Why the contribution is important

This is important because we need to increase the number of Nurses completing their training, to increase our total number of Nurses within NZ. Those students need the financial support to complete their studies.

by gcpicard16 on April 22, 2023 at 01:21PM

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  • Posted by marlowmews April 22, 2023 at 18:59

    Agree. We need to do something different as what we have been doing to date isn't working. This model could also work for other workforces within the health system that are also under pressure
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