No change apart from a costly rebranding

Allow equal access to all Dhb wide services rather than being stuck in one area eg waitaha Canterbury is still basically the CDHB ... 

Remove big managers, CEOs are still in their same roles with different names.

Stop the rebranding and put money into patient and staff care/Frontline services.

Why the contribution is important

I work for the service and at a staff understanding there is little to no change apart from a rebranding level ... 

by sofalofa on March 12, 2023 at 10:17PM

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  • Posted by Kiera82 March 14, 2023 at 00:51

    Fully agreed, backwards CEOs and their lackeys need to go, health is a fundamental human right and informed consent is a right under national and international law, if that is not adhered to due to local guidelines not being the same as those advocated for nationally and internationally by various organisations as well as the MoH, then I would suggest taking te whatu ora to court to force them to follow human rights laws too
  • Posted by Molly April 11, 2023 at 13:49

    Agree, we should use common sense when referring patients for services. We are in the former Southern DHB and are sent to Dunedin hospital for services, even though Timaru hospital (in former South Canterbury DHB) is closer and via a much safer road, especially in winter when the roads in that direction are often icy.
  • Posted by Macer17 April 25, 2023 at 08:34

    I have not seen change as the regions still do not have easy access to care. There are services still based in the central cities and wait lists are ballooning. For example, the clinical genetic health service NZ. There are specialist living all around NZ that either have to travel long distances to work or don't work in their field because their service is not based where they live.
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