Training on EDs and stigmatised mental health conditions
Our public mental health services do not know enough about many mental health issues. I have experienced CAFS not knowing anything about how to treat eating disorsers and eventually being discharged from their service because they "didn't know what to do with me", even though I was still struggling severely. I also have since been diagnosed with several other conditions that they never even considered me having. I have severe trauma and whilst I know I said things that would have indicated this they never looked into it and I was never allowed to talk about how I felt. Mental Health workers need to be trauma informed, they need to be educated about personality disorders, eating disorders, dissociative disorders, psychosis and schizospec disorders. They need to actually work with and listen to their patients.
Why the contribution is important
Being treated poorly by mental health care workers defeats the point of seeing them. It worsens your mental health.
by sammyp on April 07, 2023 at 01:52PM
Posted by maddisonfaith April 24, 2023 at 17:21
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