Training and funding for Women's health

Providing greater training to medical professionals on women's health,  and increasing funding on areas that are disproportionately impacting women

Why the contribution is important

Providing greater training to nurses and doctors on women's health. Endometriosis, which impacts 10% of Kiwis has a 8+ year diagnosis time. Sexual health appointments such as IUD insertion can take months in most of our largest cities, although it could be done by GPs. There's an estimated backlog of roughly 50,000 overdue cervical smear tests. Women are not entitled to free checkups after birth, or ACC-funded pelvic physiotherapy after difficult births. Every 48 hours one New Zealander dies from ovarian cancer. Women's pain is still less likely to be taken seriouly by health professionals. It's clear women's health needs greater funding and greater training


by TK1999 on April 15, 2023 at 08:53AM

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  • Posted by Pene April 26, 2023 at 13:07

    Additionally Menopause is another vast gap in Womens health, there is needless suffering often in silence due to there not being recognition of this female "issue" in a womens maturing years
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