The growing healthcare provider shortage

Since we experienced of shortage of healthcare provider in New Zealand and there's a lot of overseas qualified nurses and doctors here in New Zealand who doesn't practice their profession because of different education standard and a lot of requirements, examinations required for them to practice their profession here in New Zealand. But majority of them are well experienced and almost working decades of their profession to thier home country. I suggest that they must lessen the requirements and if they already in New Zealand, english examination must not be included anymore. In that case, shortage of healthcare workers will not be a problem anymore and for that they will have a chance to practice and apply their knowledge, skills and learnings in New Zealand.

Why the contribution is important

This might help the community to be better and health problems will address immediately if we have enough workforce.

by Mutchoooco on March 08, 2023 at 11:46AM

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  • Posted by Bluerain March 09, 2023 at 20:47

    Hi Mutchooco, I agree. Also, I know that the cost of applying for international qualifications to be recognised, and exams are very high. Someone told me they would have to pay 5000 to take a test to have her physiotherapist qualification recognised, and did not have this kind of money. So she is a physiotherapy assistant, and a pilates instructor instead.

    Also, I wonder if we need practical 'on site' assessors and evaluators, who can watch people work to see if they have the knowledge to do the job, and allow those with overseas qualifications to work with an assessor/supervisor/mentor to build their skills and 'get signed off' after a few years as meeting NZ standards.

    So, if we looked at the cost of exams, as well had a mentor/supervisor system, this may help.

  • Posted by kiwimum March 11, 2023 at 18:08

    I think communication is critical so the English requirements need to stay. However refunding costs of registration once they start work would encourage more people to register
  • Posted by Vanessad March 14, 2023 at 20:16

    English requirement is essential. As a health care worker myself, it’s critical that the person who I hand information over to fully understands what I am saying.
    I agree with previous comment about refunding costs of registration once they start work
  • Posted by Bware March 25, 2023 at 08:19

    We need an Open-door policy for immigration to all health professionals. We need to stop the monopolistic behaviour of professional bodies and set out the welcome mat. Other countries like Canada literally scour refugee camps for skilled health professionals and scoop them up.
  • Posted by listay1 March 29, 2023 at 15:42

    English requirements are one thing. And fair play.

    But if you've been a specialist for 10+ years and unsupervised in another country and then come to NZ to sit *another* exam and then have a supervised period it's like probation. There has to be a fairer way.

    I do agree there needs to be some kind of competency test and supervision to learn the NZ system though!
  • Posted by Ameel22 April 08, 2023 at 07:44

    Health care workers should be incentivised to stay. Supporting the cost of education is a good idea but there must be an expectation (i.e. contractual agreement) that the individual works in NZ for a specified number of years.

  • Posted by Molly April 11, 2023 at 13:42

    It's time to take a fresh look at the requirements and streamline the process for individuals coming from countries with training that is clearly at least equivalent to the training offered in New Zealand. Perhaps with reciprocity so that NZ-trained healthcare professionals can easily gain experience overseas (and then bring that valuable experience back to NZ!).

    Costs to have international qualifications recognised should be at most in the hundreds of dollars, rather than thousands. And yes, refunded once they start work.

    English language skills are essential for communicating with patients and colleagues. Make sure there are free English classes available, even where the individual is still working towards NZ residency. (In our area classes are free only after you have residency.) Agree with Bware's comment above. Let's increase the (paltry) number of refugees we welcome to NZ with a focus on those who have the skills we need, and a formal programme to help them integrate, gain registration, and learn English.

    Plus, path to residency from Day 1 for all healthcare professionals.
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