Integrated primary and secondary hubs

Ensure health services are full integrated- hubs in each region with primary and secondary care and ensure continuity of care. Referrals from primary to secondary take too long and are often disjointed. No continuity of notes or care provided. Specialists in each hub alongside primary GPs. 

Why the contribution is important

Lack of continuity of care leads to poor outcomes and reliance on full secondary support too late. 

by HealthUser on March 11, 2023 at 08:38AM

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  • Posted by marlowmews March 18, 2023 at 17:44

    Agreed. The 'us'and 'them' culture between hospital specialists and GPs still continues to occur. Until both groups are on the same page by recognizing and accepting they are working with the same patients; transparent and an integrated health care system is going to be hard to achieve.

    Even within hospitals, silos exist making it difficult for patients, and staff, to navigate.

    Flatter structures where the patient is at the centre of the system is vital.
  • Posted by Bware March 25, 2023 at 08:13

    Yes and integrate social services as well. Lots of health problems have a social component
  • Posted by Jo April 21, 2023 at 18:56

    Sit Hubs central to primary and secondary care as a comprehensive IDT with an equity focus on our unenrolled population who are vulnerable, are experiencing existing inequity or disenfranchised with the health system. This team can also minimize unnecessary representations to ED, acute demand and urgent care through virtual follow up via nursing, health welfare and MSD. Utilize Hubs already set up to respond to care in the community for COVID-19 where they've established ways of working in this way. Develop them as future state providers supporting access to the right care, the right follow up to allow primary care, acute demand, urgent care and ED to see those really needing medical care. Also included pharmacy in the Hubs as they mature.

    There is so much scope here. The big question is how to find these people before they access the system for preventative or early detection of illnesses or disease where they can be treated/educated in the community and stay a home being well for longer
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