How far is too far?

A better system than the National Travel Assistance Scheme to ease the cost of travel to health appointments for rural/remote folk, including for ACC.

We live 250kms round trip from our nearest tertiary centre, which makes things very costly for appointments.

Recently my partner needed hospitalisation after a spinal injury. I drove to be with him in ED, had to get last minute accomodation overnight (Over $300!!) as I didn't feel safe to sleep in my car and was too tired to make the trip home safely.I went home the next day after the ward round , and had to return the following day to collect him. He has had 2 further appointments whilst a decision is made as to what to do. That is 1000 kms, and we are told 

So things like Ronald Macdonald Houses, Cancer Society houses but for anyone travelling from afar would be great.

Why the contribution is important

Because the cost of travel for appointments and treatment can be prohibitive.

by AngryofEketahuna on March 19, 2023 at 03:27PM

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  • Posted by AngryofEketahuna March 19, 2023 at 15:30

    Edit: ACC says we aren't able to get any travel assistance.
  • Posted by hballantyne March 22, 2023 at 18:20

    Waikato Hospital has a free bus for stable patients who are released but who cannot get home, or have no-one to pick them up. For example I know people are delivered to Tauranga and Taumaranui hospitals. Then they can get picked up or find another way home eg public bus or taxi.

    Its not ideal but it is free.
    Perhaps they could allow one support person per patient on this bus for a small charge, if it is not full.
  • Posted by hballantyne March 22, 2023 at 18:21

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  • Posted by hballantyne March 22, 2023 at 18:21

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  • Posted by listay1 March 29, 2023 at 15:27

    Wellington hospital offers taxi chits to patients to get home, within a limited area though.

  • Posted by trishyb April 25, 2023 at 20:20

    I also live a 3 hour drive away from a main centre. Travel, accommodation and time off work add together to make access to specialist services very difficult.
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