health for all

there must be no favoured treatment based on race colour or gender. I dont care what Dr I go to as long as they are a fully qualified GP or specialist. I will not be ever going to a Maori White Indian or other person that is only a pretend Dr. I have been to several different Dotors of different and have found all to be fine. 

some people will not go to Drs until it is too late and then blame the health system Ridiculous to do so nobodies fault but their own.

Why the contribution is important

because it is fair and democratic as everything should be

by susanlee on April 17, 2023 at 01:26PM

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  • Posted by susanlee April 17, 2023 at 13:26

    very true
  • Posted by KBarnsley_Admin April 17, 2023 at 14:06

    In Aotearoa, people have differences in health that are not only avoidable but unfair and unjust. That is why the health care reforms have equity at their heart. We recognise that people require different approaches and resources to get the same health outcomes. We want everyone to have access to the care they need.  For more information about Manatū Hauora’s position on equity, you can read our equity statement here:[…]/achieving-equity More information about our work on building an anti-racist health system is available here:[…]/ao-mai-te-ra-anti-racism-kaupapa
  • Posted by susanlee April 18, 2023 at 08:37

    it is not aotearoac it is new zealand and you talk rubbish. The health is for all. When I go to the Dr they dont ask me if I am maori and if I say yes they dont send me next door. Why does everyone play the race card and try to say they are victims poor me. A Dr is a Dr and they treat everyone the same. I have never had any different treatment because i am maori and I am not a victim.
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