Having people from all walks of life in Maori health reviews

My idea is to make sure people from all communities are present in the Maori health reviews

Why the contribution is important

My idea is important because you need to hear issues from the horses mouth as the saying goes

Attending the last Maori health review in chch I felt like how can all voices be heard if all voices aren't present. Would have been nice to see solo mums, the homeless, beneficiaries, mental health system users, people from drug and rehab, people who have been through the corrections system, parents of youth offenders. 

The only way I knew about the review is I was working as a nurse in the health care system. To me all that were present are the Maori who sit at the top which don't give an accurate korero

by darineeratana on March 11, 2023 at 08:19AM

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  • Posted by AngryofEketahuna March 19, 2023 at 15:12

    Totally agree-this is applicable right across the spectrum, as often it is the most "priviledged" of any demographic, those who already know how to engage with and navigate systems,that "shout the loudest" that get the seat on the committee and have no idea what it is like for the average person!
    The underserved need to be heard.
  • Posted by caseylochead April 26, 2023 at 12:25

    This is so necessary!
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