Vocational Training Programme for Nursing / Allied Health Professions

In order to reduce barriers to entering the health workforce, and increase equity within our health workforce (particularly high need professions - nursing / paramedic etc). These professions require degrees to become registered and practice. 

Both Paramedicine and Nursing have the capacity to be staircased through a vocational programme and provide care (filling health workforce gaps) while training and providing an income to those training. Reducing economic barriers for people wanting to join the health workforce. 

An example of how this could work -

Pre workforce training Certificate 3

Nursing - New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation (Level 3) - Pre Entry Applied Health Science

Paramedicine - New Zealand Certificate in emergency care

After completing this certificate - Nursing students can practice as Healthcare Assistants, Paramedic Students as Emergency Medical Assistants / First Responders - in paid roles while they complete their diplomas. 

Workforce Diploma Training

Nursing - Diploma in Enrolled Nursing 

Paramedicine - Diploma in Ambulance Practice 

After completing diplomas - Nursing students can practice as Enrolled Nurses, Paramedic Students as Emergency Medical Technicians - in paid roles while they complete their degrees. 

From here - these diplomas pathway into the Degree programme and students can complete their degrees while working in the healthcare setting. 

Why the contribution is important

This reduces financial barriers for individuals and whānau to enter the health workforce. 

This allows areas which traditionally struggle to attract healthcare workers to train a local health workforce.

It allows a sustainable workforce model which develops staff in a mechanism that increases the number of clinicians available to deliver care to patients while they are being trained. Reducing the lag time during training for required healthcare workers in the current university-based system. 

Reduces our reliance on international healthcare workers


by carlton on November 02, 2022 at 06:39PM

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  • Posted by JanA November 03, 2022 at 14:43

    Look to the UK and their staircase programme for nurse assistants etc. which has been very successful and encouraging people to take on nursing / health as a long term career
  • Posted by SamanthaBaldwin November 04, 2022 at 13:22

    Great suggestion - thank you
  • Posted by MariaBaker November 07, 2022 at 17:23

    Kia ora Carlton

    Like your vocational training recommendations:

    Earn whilst you learn & health service based training programs in communities will certainly provide local 'grow your own' workforce development & staff retention opportunities.

    To make all of this a reality - we need stronger education & training options that are easily avail. to people in their communities, who understand the communities, who can tailor to their learning needs, that can ensure their successes & all of this will need the right people, and long term resourcing.
  • Posted by Allan_Moffitt November 09, 2022 at 16:31

    Earn as you Learn removes significant barriers to entry!
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