Providing Maori with career pathways

Earn and learn programme for schools leavers by engaging with schools to provid a pipline and a career pathway for entery level pathways example: 

Laboratory (phlebotomy, pre-analytical technitians and technitians ) 

NZIMLS have a two years qualification ( examination and on the jobs hours experience) that leads to :  Qualified Pre-analytical technicians (QPAT) , Phlebotomists and qualified analytical technicians (QMLT) within medical  laboratories.

Areas that we have high turn-over includes areas that is used as stepping stone to either peruse a career within health or continue to a scientist role  :

  • Specimen services
  • Phlebotomy
  • Anatomical pathology technicians

Creating opportunity for year 13 school age and advertising this to be ring fenced to Maori will give our community a career pathway to develop ( learn and earn concept).

Extra FTE need to be funding to allow the two years training and  availability of an educator to ensure success of this programme is essential.

Benefits includes:

  • Pipeline of candidates to fill on-going vacancies
  • Having ngā kaimahi Māori for better patient experience
  • Helping our community our people given someone an opportunity when they are not aware of these opportunities  

We had a success story with Limited service volunteer who joined our phlebotomy team was a  year 13 student and now after two years  he is a registered phlebotomist.

I have also previously been engaged in career days where schools often unaware of this so we need to foster engagement and awareness of these programmes as well as  funding avenues if available.

we have started this intiative at Te Toka Tumai 

we need to look at the different way of funding for this pipline perhaps involve MSD 

 Happy to present this to you in person and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions and i can share my presentation which I already shared with Martin Chadwick 

Why the contribution is important

Giving our community a chance to be part of health care can have an effect on health outcome , imagin all the people that will join the health care they will be advocating for this back to their families and communities. we keep on tapping the problem we need to be proactive by creating pipline for our workforce often roles and responsibilties are not focused having an entery level pipline and developing them further is first step to widen the horizon 

  • Pipeline of candidates to fill on-going vacancies
  • Having ngā kaimahi Māori for better patient experience
  • Helping our community our people given someone an opportunity when they are not aware of these opportunities  

by Nadiaa on November 10, 2022 at 11:49AM

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  • Posted by carlton November 13, 2022 at 19:56

    Tēnā koe Nadia,
    I also recommended a specific earn while you learn pipeline for health workforce. With specific targets for Māori, Pasifika etc.

    We need to have pipelines, pathways and committed funding to develop our own workforce. Focused strategies for Māori are critical. Diversity doesn’t happen by accident, it is by design.

    Mauri Ora
  • Posted by koralfitzgerald November 17, 2022 at 13:09

    Tino pai, Nadia & Carlton! I tautoko this completely.
    Committed investment in the shorter term will widen the pipeline and elevate the exposure of pathways for more people to join the wider hauora workforce.
  • Posted by Hautai November 25, 2022 at 15:16

    Great ideas Nadia & Carlton, I think that a group email would be beneficial for people to be able to contact with enquiries & to receive guidance. Ideally have a Task Workforce that is specific to this aspect that people can contact via email/phone call/meet in person to go over a career pathway. I understand that ideally this would be done via your Team Leader/Manager/Line Manager and alternatively Supervisor, however, this may not be possible due to their availability being limited or unavailable or other reasons.
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