pay parity for every nurse, every where in NZ

The calls for pay parity for all nurses every where are loud and must be acted on sooner rather than later.

Why the contribution is important

Pay parity supports nurses to make real choices about where they want to work in terms of speciality. 

Primary health care and aged care nurses and nurses working in the private sector, particularly Maori and Pasifica nurses are paid alot less than those nurses working in Te Whatu Ora. There is no justification for this when their qualifications are the same. Nurses working in different specialities in Te Whatu Ora all get paid the same according to their clinical time and experience. Therefore nurses working in the specialities of PHC and Aged care/private health providers must be supported with the same approach.

This will support the goals of Te Pae Tata as nurses will be able to choose to work in PHC and Aged Care and be part of turning the tide to increase the health and wellbeing of our communities.

by AnneD_NZNO on November 11, 2022 at 04:41PM

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