Increase Nurse Practitioner roles

Nurse Practitioners should be used  more widely , especially in remote and rural areas where health outcomes are poor and there are few other healthcare providers. They provide holistic culturally appropriate care across the lifespan., able to diagnose and prescribe.   In particular  more Maori and Pacifica  nurses shouldbe supported financially  and  pracitally to become NPS in their communities 

Why the contribution is important

Health outcomes remain in equitable  - NPS are under utilised and should be better recogised - inlcuding  the leglislative support and funding  to be able to practice to their full scope and optimise health outcome  by being an accessible highly skilled   health care provider 

by CollegeofNursesAotearoa on November 10, 2022 at 12:36PM

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  • Posted by ellye November 14, 2022 at 15:14

    100% agree. This will facilitate more nurse-led clinics which is better for our communities as it meets demand and improves capacity/ reduces pressure elsewhere in the system. People with this training should be remunerated accordingly.

  • Posted by ellye November 14, 2022 at 15:14

    100% agree. This will facilitate more nurse-led clinics which is better for our communities as it meets demand and improves capacity/ reduces pressure elsewhere in the system. People with this training should be remunerated accordingly.

  • Posted by koralfitzgerald November 17, 2022 at 13:13

    Nurse practitioners are a valuable resource across our system, and I agree NPs have a particularly powerful role to play in rural and remote areas of Aotearoa.
    Once again, dedicated funding investment is required to both increase the width of the pipeline and ensure there is adequate resource allocated to tautoko/support the trainees alongside qualified peers.
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