GP Training, pay parity, recruitment, immigration, diversification

The Western Bay of Plenty General Practice network were invited to contribute their workforce ideas which are summarised below.

Training: Train more GPs and make it easier for GPs to begin training. Those wanting to start a GPEP program must apply 10 months prior to the 1 February start date and then wait until 3 months prior for confirmation of where they will be placed. Provision of all GPEP1’s to be college employed for 12 months, and better communication from the Royal College around new GPs. Make nursing degrees free to applicants (with some contract to retain for a period afterwards) to improve nursing numbers and retention.

Pay parity between primary and secondary: Put more money into paying primary care clinicians what they are worth in order to attract clinical staff and retain them. Align pay rates with Australia.

Recruitment: Recruit more GPs and Nurses to primary care, streamline the immigration / registration / employment process for overseas clinicians.

Diversify practice teams: Increased use of wider health care team and varying roles. More funding for Nursing Packages of Care to take pressure off doctors.

Some specific ideas:

  1. Improve public messaging about the difficulties at present - public still unrealistic and not tolerant of workforce shortages
  2. Training/upskilling for HCA roles fast tracked and undertake further role scoping to optimise what they can do with supervision, hence taking some of the clinical burden off nurses, NPs, and GPs.
  3. A system that easily connects staff who may be willing to temporarily work additional hours (e.g. part timers) with Practices needing temporary help.
  4. Broaden Community Care Coordination access - increase availability of Packages of Care (POCs)
  5. Active recruitment, candidate searches and immigration/relocation support provided by the PHO / Regionally / Nationally

Why the contribution is important

There are significant shortages in the primary care GP and practice nurse workforce. Training, recruitment, pay parity and team diversification are required to attract new clinicians to primary care, retain them, and optimise efficiencies to relieve pressure and ensure clinician’s are well supported.

by NSAdmin on November 16, 2022 at 10:55AM

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