Critical Care Nursing Workforce Recruitment Project South Island

Areas in the South Island from Christchurch to  Nelson Marlborough,Timaru,Westport, Dunedin & Invercargill have constant challenges with recruitment and retention in Nursing,Medical Training positions,Allied Health

Opportunity to look at new models of recruitment from National and International Candidates explore and benchmark with other International models such as roving locum positions for staff who are seasonal travellers and may want to explore short term fixed contracts and look at payment models being offered as well as other packaging or incentives to be offered ,some potential staff may want  be near the snow in winter and in Summer be near the coast. 

Potential for Critical Care Fellowships for Nursing to NETPs who have completed their first year and fellowships training positions be offered

Develop models that nurses could work at different levels of ICU/ICCU/CCU/HDU levels 1-3 and promote pathways for them to be offered different places in critical Care say CHC/Dunedin/L3/offer for RNs trainee positions as flight nurses etc.,

Develop a Nurse Practitioner Strategic Plan for the South Island over the next 5-7years

Explore Trainee Medical positions to rotate to different levels of ICUs

We would like the opportunity to explore a 6month project with a Project Manager to link the South Island Alliance to this project

Travel Nurses in the US and Canada are offered high paying positions for Midwives and ICU/ED etc., nurses for short term contracts and they have flight/accommodation/meals paid for- consider positions like this for  Nurses who are National and International Nurse/s offer the same as Australia for our nurses going to work in the outback yearly with significant remuneration and packaging

We need to explore'twining' programs- I had our Masters prepared nurses on a exchange program with 

Dana Faber/Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in my role as a DON of National Guard. Also linked into Nurses Rounds at Starship for our post graduates with Star Ship and children's Hospitals.


Why the contribution is important

There is a national and international workforce crisis, Australia in the next 2 years will have 21,000 nurses that they will have to train and recruit due to the exiting of the baby boomers-

We have high risk area's that has a lot of opportunities for training and consolidating training and experience while enjoying lifestyle which will be attractive to various age groups. 

We have a exhausted workforce , we need to diversify in our workforce planning in 'hard to fill'positions that just might take the pressure off them, as well as paying them higher work rates if the have a National recognised National Critical Care that could also be an incentive. Feedback from current courses that they are not clinically based, this needs a review. We could have a 'Critical Care Intern  Nurse that could have a package that offers experience in a few critical care units.

To do this from a South Island perspect- we would resource for anlysts, project manager and project budget to possibly be supported by South Island Alliance 

by lryann on October 21, 2022 at 01:01PM

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  • Posted by lryann October 21, 2022 at 13:02

    Can someone reach out to me about a 6 month project to explore Recruitment,Retention and Training of our Critical Care Nurses please
  • Posted by maytien October 21, 2022 at 16:03

    Hi lryann, thanks for your idea and someone from the team will link up with you next week.
  • Posted by JaneL November 02, 2022 at 09:28

    More use of advanced nursing practice that is not as extensive as Nurse Practitioners
    Local pathways to upskill nursing workforce in areas such as brief interventions for mental health, smoking, drug and alcohol use. More use of standing orders and nurse led clinics with medical backup (may be remote back up?)
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