Community based population health providers

Develop a role for population health specialists working in communities using the enrolled population and additional data to focus on desired population outcomes.  

Why the contribution is important

Currently the General practice team are the only people thinking about the health outcomes for their enrolled populations and they focus on the things that they are accountable for - cervical screening smoking and immunisation.
We need people looking more broadly at issues that are important to the community, driven by local knowledge and data as well as the national goals ( breast/ bowel / hpv vaccination/ diabetes. Public health teams have in the past not put priority on this sort of work. 
This role may suit a community nurse working with a group of providers in a locality, the data available in primary care is extremely valuable for this. 

by Opotikigp63 on November 12, 2022 at 01:40PM

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  • Posted by raffaellim November 14, 2022 at 11:10

    The DHBs spend a fortune outsourcing ultrasound scans to private providers as we do not have the FTE to service the demand in house. Increasing this and reducing the pay differential between public and private plus setting up remote and mobile clinics (relatively easy for Ultrasound) could ensure the money is better spent and doesn't just enrich private practices who then poach publicly trained staff. It it also much better for the environment, and to help those who have transport issues which prevent them attending hospital, to have local provision
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