Moderation policy

All contributions are welcome. We post-moderate the comments submitted to this site. This means although your ideas and comments will be published immediately, they may be removed if they do not follow the moderation policy. This is about creating a safe and respectful environment for views to be expressed.

Please stay on-topic. Refrain from posting messages that are unrelated to the discussion (including misinformation and disinformation).

Ideas and comments should not be malicious or offensive in nature, or a personal attack on a person’s character.

Posts with language inciting hatred on the basis of ethnicity or race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristic will be removed.

Posts with swearing, hate-speech or obscenities will removed.

Impersonating or falsely claiming to represent a person or organisation will result in the profile being flagged and removed.

Do not reveal personal details, either your own or other people's. This includes private addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or other online contact details.

Please don’t spam the site.

Please don’t advertise commercial products and services – you can mention relevant products and services as long as they support your comment.

We reserve the right to remove individual profiles, ideas and/or comments at any time. If you have a complaint about an item of user-generated content on this site, or feel that your own content was removed in error, please contact us.

The views and opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily represent the views of te Manatū Hauora, the Ministry of Health.

Manatū Hauora are not responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliability of information posted by external parties.